Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Years Get Together

It's never a dull day at Grandma's house!
You never know what you'll find, do, or who or what you'll see!

A happy day with Grandpa ...he'd let me eat all day!

We do really like each other ....but don't tell anyone ...they might expect us to be nice to each other all the time!

Caughtcha MID-PICK! (saving this for future blackmail)

Com'on! Bust out some serious moves to the Elmo beats!

I believe these are Alpackas .... ten points if you can spot one of those in your neighbor's van!

Ana love's her new baby and to push her around in anything she can find.

Crack kills!

YEAH BABY! Riding the Pony! :)

So you mean this isn't the white house? Silly me, caught under a chair !

This red color adds a lot of flavor!

What on earth ...she seems to be looking in a box while mr. potato is attacking her Chris' feet!

What am I supposed to do with this ?? The refrigerator holds all our pictures???

Kid Central ...this is where all the action is!

hmmm what's for lunch?

Everyone will be wearing peanut butter in the future .. it's sooo stylish!

OH BOY! the monster at the end of the story is sooo cute!

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